Thursday, May 13, 2010

Matt hates Annie

Dear Annie,

Hi Annie. I'd just like you to know how much I hate it when you say I love you. Your mind is just playing tricks on you. I am not in love with you and you are not in love with me. I hate the way you hold my hand and look at me in the middle of class, it makes me sick. You follow me in the hallways calling my name and I just walk faster. My friends make fun of me because of how wierd you are. All those stupid voices you use just make me want to throw up. In the end I will NEVER love you.

With Hatred,

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Love

Dear Beach,

I love everything about you. When I am with you I get to scrunch my toes in the sand. My family is always with me when you are around. I love being able to spend seemingly endless days in the sun and by the ocean. I could spend all the time in the world with you. I am always happy when you are right beside me. The beach also involves voleyball which is my favorite! Swimnming with the fish and sharks scares me a little but in the end it is always worth it to be at the beach. Finding the best seashells is always a great feeling. At night time I get to have a great time finding the little albino-looking crabs which is gross but fun. The beach is mey favorite place in the world and I love it!

Forever and Always,